Coming soon
PHONOLAB - Disturbia - Bundle Cd + Lp Black


Aquefrigide - La Razza

Aquefrigide - Dinosauri - [Cd Jewel Case]

Aquefrigide - Un Caso Isolato

Blackwood - As The World Rots Away - Cd Digipak

Buffalo Grillz - Manzo Criminale

Buffalo Grillz - Martin Burger King - Cd digipak

Cannibal Corpse - Violence Unimagined LP+CD+CASSETTE Black Bundle -

Cannibal Corpse - Violence Unimagined LP+CD+CASSETTE Red Bundle -

Sold out
Dalila Kayros - ANIMAMI - Bundle Lp + Cd

Dalila Kayros - ANIMAMI - Cd Digipak

Deflore - 2 Degrees Of Separation - [Digipak]

Deflore - Egodrive [digipak]

Deflore - Human Indu[b]strial

Deflore - Spectrum/Epicentre - Lp+Cd

Sold out
Deflore and Jaz Coleman - Party In The Chaos - Bundle Lp Black + Cd

Deflore and Jaz Coleman - Party In The Chaos - Bundle Lp Ltd + Cd

Deflore and Jaz Coleman - Party In The Chaos - Bundle Lp Ultra Ltd + Cd

Deflore and Jaz Coleman - Party In The Chaos - Cd Digipak

Dogs For Breakfast - Rose Lane Was Tucker's Girlfriend EP

Dogs For Breakfast - The Sun Left These Places [Cd]

Dope Stars Inc. - 21st Century Slave - [Digipak]

Dope Stars Inc. - Criminal Intents / Morning Star - [Digipak]